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QuickCheck Water Kits just Grab and Go

Safe and Fast way to run water experiments and present demonstrations.

These water experiments and demonstrations have evolved over years of working with students, parents and teachers on classroom science and water projects (List of Most Popular Kits). The kits work well in classrooms, labs and outdoor sample sites. The 500 series Quickcheck kits test combinations of water quality parameters where as the 100 series Quickcheck kits test single and double water parameters.
From your Sample Design - Choose the QuickCheck Kit based on the number of locations / types of samples, number of tests and the number of students in the Project. Sample Design Assistance.

New - Sourcebook with Classroom Posters

Educators and teachers that need additional information and presentation posters should consider including an appropriate Sourcebook with their Order. If you need help, please Contact Us about projects involving drinking water - health - food - plants - environment - water quality.

Several water project ideas are suggested.

Water Experiments and Demostrations are ready to go with the combination set of test parameters, number of tests per sample, number of samples based on replicates, student instructions, clean, sterile water sample bags, chemistry test strips, color concentration comparator, internet references and support that make each kit very convenient and simple to use. Background information on each test is available as PDF downloads.

How do the strips work? Special chemical reagents for each water test parameter are dried into the pad at the end of the test strip. Just dip test strip into water sample according to instructions to activate reagents then compare color to concentration chart. Designed to yield semi-quantitative and quantitative results that are great for graphing.

Please look over the Product Lines and Products listed below by activating the "drop down menus" and selecting the topic then clicking "Go". Click the "More Info" link for selected Test Kit PDF files full of information you can downlaod.
Please, Contact Us for more information on any of these kits and related kits not shown.

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500 - Drinking Water Basic Tests

"pH, Alkalinity, Water Hardness, Nitrate, Nitrite,
Free Chlorine and Total Chlorines"

504 - Drinking Water Basic Tests Plus Bacteria

"pH, Alkalinity, Water Hardness, Nitrate, Nitrite,
Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine plus Bacterial Growth Indicator"

508 - Drinking Water Full Panel and Bacteria Tests

"pH, Alkalinity, Water Hardness, Nitrate, Nitrite, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine,
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Dissolved Metals (Combined Metals
Cu+2, Co+2, Zn+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, etc.) and Bacterial Growth Indicator"

514 - City Water Profile

"pH, Alkalinity, Water Hardness, Iron+2 and+3,
Free Chlorine and Total Chlorine"

518 - Well Water Profile

"pH, Alkalinity, Water Hardness, Iron+2 and+3,
Nitrate and Nitrite"

522 - Public Drinking Water Fountain

"Alkalinity, pH, Water Hardness, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine
plus Bacterial Growth Indicator"

524 - Compare Drinking and Bottle Water - Beginner

"Alkalinity, pH, Water Hardness, Free and Total Chlorines"

526 - Compare Drinking and Bottle Water - Advanced

"Alkalinity, pH, Water Hardness, Free and Total Chlorines
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Dissolved Metals
(Combined Metals Cu+2, Co+2, Zn+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, etc.)"

532 - EPA Free Chlorine in Drinking Water

"Free Chlorine, Alkalinity and pH "

534 - Essential Minerals

"Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Trace Metals, Iron +2 +3"

536 - Balanced Minerals

"Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Trace Metals, Iron +2 +3
Alkalinity and pH"

538 - Environmental and Outdoor Water

"pH, Alkalinity, Water Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids(TDS)"

540 - Environmental and Outdoor Water Plus Bacteria

"pH, Alkalinity, Water Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids(TDS)
plus Bacterial Growth Indicator"

544 - Environmental and Outdoor Water Full Panel and Bacteria

"pH, Alkalinity, Water Hardness,Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate, Dissolved Metals, Iron (2+,3+)
and Bacterial Growth Indicator"

550 - Aquatic and Algae Growth Nutrients

"Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Alkalinity and pH"

"552 - Lake, Pond and River Essential Minerals"

"Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Dissolved Metals (Combined
Metals Cu+2, Co+2, Zn+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, etc.) and Iron +2 +3"

556 - Minerals and Nutrients Water Panel

"Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Dissolved Metals (Combined
Metals Cu+2, Co+2, Zn+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, etc.), Iron +2 +3
Total Dissloved Solids (TDS), Alkalinity and pH"

562 - Salt - Brackish - Estuary Water

Salinity (Dissolved Salt) and pH of Water

564 - Plant Growth Nutrients

"Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Alkalinity and pH"

566 - Plant Growth Nutrients Plus Bacteria Growth

"Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Alkalinity, pH
plus Bacterial Growth Indicator"

568 - Cooking Vegetables in Water

"Alkalinity, pH, Free and Total Chlorines, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Dissolved Metals (Combined
Metals Cu+2, Co+2, Zn+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, etc.)"

572 - Washing Fruits and Vegetables

"Alkalinity, pH, Free and Total Chlorines, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
and Bacterial Growth Indicator"

576 - Compare Juice Soda Pop and Milk

"pH, Alkalinity, Water Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)"

578 - Checking Pet Drinking Water Bowl

"pH, Alkalinity, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine
plus Bacterial Growth Indicator"

580 - Copper Pipe Corrosion and Acidic Water

"Copper (+1,+2) ions and pH"

582 - Metal Pipe Contamination

"pH, Copper, Zinc and Iron +2, +3"

584 - Dissolved Metals and pH in Water

"Dissolved Metals and pH
(Combined Metals Cu+2, Co+2, Zn+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, etc.)"

588 - Fertilizer Pollution

"Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate, Alkalinity and pH"

590 - Effects of Water Quality on Paper Making

"pH, Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine
and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)"

594 - Evaluate Water Filter Performance

"pH, Alkalinity, Water Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Iron+2 and+3, Free Chlorine and Total Chlorine"

100 - Total Water Hardness

Choose from 3 to 33 Total Water Hardness Tests/kit

105 - Total Alkalinity

Choose from 3 to 33 Total Alkalinity Tests/kit

110 - pH

Choose from 3 to 33 Single pH Tests/kit

115 - Total Alkalinity and pH Dual

Choose from 3 to 33 Total Alkalinity and pH Dual Tests/kit

120 - EPA Free Chlorine

Choose from 3 to 33 Free Chlorine Tests/kit

125 - Total Chlorine

Choose from 3 to 33 Total Chlorine Tests/kit

130 - Total Chlorine and Free Chlorine Dual

Choose from 3 to 33 Total Chlorine and Free Chlorine Dual Tests/kit

135 - Nitrate and Nitrite Dual

Choose from 3 to 33 Nitrate and Nitrite Dual Tests/kit

140 - Dissolved Phosphate

Choose from 3 to 33 Dissolved Phosphate Tests/kit

145 - Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

Choose from 3 to 33 Total Dissolved Solids
(TDS) Tests/kit

"150 - Dissolved Metals (Cu, Co, Zn, Cd, Ni, etc.)"

"Choose from 3 to 33 Dissolved Dissolved Metals
(Combined Metals Cu2, Co2, Zn2, Cd2, Ni2, etc.) Tests/kit"

155 - Iron 2 (Rusty Colored Deposits / Stains)

Choose from 3 to 33 Iron+2 Tests/kit

165 - Copper

Choose from 3 to 33 Copper Tests/kit

170 - Zinc

Choose from 3 to 33 Zinc Tests/kit

175 - Salinity (Dissolved Salt) of Water

Choose from 3 to 33 Salinity (Dissolved Salt) of Water Tests/kit

180 - Bacterial Growth Indicator

Choose from 3 to 33 Bacterial Growth Indicator Tests/kit


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QuickCheck Water Test Kits


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