Dr. Snyder


I have always favored teaching science by showing how amazing it all is. I think a student doing a science project should get a chance to find excitement of discovery, challenge of figuring things out, and pride of accomplishment. Kids respond to the amazing side of science without much help, it's getting the science project finished that is difficult.

I started helping teach water science many, many, many years ago. I have noted the BEST projects are the ones done by students that were fired-up and interested in their topic. These young scientists wanted to do their best. Once their topic captures their imagination, then their science fair project becomes interesting and a lot more fun. When this happens, they can learn things we cannot teach. As a science fair judge, it was easy to spot when this combination came together.

Today's young scientists have an overwhelming amount of information available. It can lead to confusion and frustration. Many students run into trouble when their science study drifts away from their project goal. They may need help keeping their study efforts going in a direction that develops their ideas into a proper science project. (That's where you come in as parent and teacher.) Once the project gets properly defined and underway, the students creativity and understanding begins to blossom. It is great fun for everyone when the project goes this way.

Responding to many parent requests over the last few years, we started making water test kits for school science classes available over our website watercenter.net. Our goal is to make Science fun and educational or educational and fun for everyone involved. We offer ideas, guides and kits that help you and your young scientist enjoy scientific discovery. Sciencefaircenter.com and watercenter.net have received several Family Friendly Site certifications (listed below).

My hope is watercenter.net, with your input, becomes a favorite website to guide students, parents, and teachers through the steps involved in good water science. We have several innovative concepts that will be included on the website during upcoming months.

Please email or phone me with your thoughts, questions, and comments. I will try to make this site responsive to your needs. Come back and check us out.

Gordon Snyder, Ph.D.


6830 NE Bothell Way, #C424
Kenmore, WA, 98028
(206) 440-3008 voice (240) 208-7289 fax

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Student water science projects
ScienceFairCenter.com online store
SchoolScienceKits.com/environmental online store
SchoolScienceKits.com/drinking online store

Whales Without Borders

Water filters, water test kits, water equipment

New Water Sciences Websites
Basic Water Science Topics
Student Water Kits
Photos, Videos No Fence Wetland Restoration

Scrapbook card making paper crafts
Urbanscrapbooker.com online store
Urban Paper Crafter Store Map
Urban Paper Crafter Videos

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Cleanlps.com online store
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